Changes in the offering and contracting law of Berlin became effective on June 17th in 2012

As already reported, the legislative assembly of Berlin changed the offering and contracting law in their session on May 24th, 2012.
This legal change contains two main aims: On the one hand, on behalf of the less red tape and due to supporting the small firms and the middle class, the obligation to keep records and proof and aspects concerning the environment is only effective from a contracting value of EUR 10,000.00. This increase in the threshold also relieves the public clients. On the other hand the politically and legally controversial increase in the minimum wage from EUR 7,50 to EUR 8,50 took place. The minimum level of EUR 500,00 remains.
The law became effective on June 17th, 2012. If you have questions, feel free to ask the team of Jakoby Rechtsanwaelte which will be pleased to counsel you.