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Responsible for this web page

Jakoby Rechtsanwälte GbR
Lawyers and Notary

Schlüterstraße 37
10629 Berlin

Represented by

Dr. Markus Jakoby
Dr. Lotte Meuth

Tel: +49 (0)30. 88 03 20 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)30. 88 03 20 – 10



All persons mentioned in the section “lawyers” are lawyers admitted to practise within the Federal Republic of Germany.

The lawyers are members of the Berlin bar association (Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin), Littenstraße 9, 10179 Berlin. Their practice is subject amongst others to the following codes of practice:

  • the Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung, (BRAO),
  • the Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte (BORA),
  • the Fachanwaltsordnung (FAO),
  • the Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz (RVG),
  • the Professional Rules of the Federal Lawyers’ Chamber the statute to prevent money laundering (Geldwäschebekämpfungsgesetz, GwG) including the directive of the Federal Chamber of Lawyers pursuant to § 14 section 4 GwG
  • law regulating the activity of European Lawyers in Germany (EuRAG) and the
  • Codes of practice of the European Union.

The aforementioned codes and rules are available on www.brak.de in the section “Berufsrecht”.

Sales tax identification number pursuant to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 193266543


Dr. Markus Jakoby is also acting as notary. He is member of the Berlin Notary Bar (Notarkammer Berlin), Littenstraße 10, 10179 Berlin. The code of practice applying to notaries is, amongst others:

  • the Bundesnotarordnung,
  • the Beurkundungsgesetz,
  • the Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare,
  • the Kostenordnung,
  • the Richtlinien der zuständigen Notarkammer and
  • the Europäische Kodex des notariellen Standesrechts.

The aforementioned codes are available on www.bnotk.de in the section “Berufsrecht”.


The copyright to the content of this web page or any part hereof is owned by Jakoby Rechtsanwälte or whoever has given Jakoby Rechtsanwälte a license.

Individual pages of the web page may only be downloaded for internal use within your company, the same applies to temporary storage of any parts of this web page and printing of parts thereof.

Reproduction, transmission or distribution of any part of the content of this web page whether through download, saving or printing is permitted only with the explicit prior approval of Jakoby Rechtsanwälte.


We have endeavoured to ensure the accuracy of the information and links on this web page. We do not assume any liability which might arise from using the content of this web page or the links it contains, or which may result from relying on the accuracy of the content hereof. The information contained on this web page does not constitute legal advice.


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Claudius Herwig – Digital Design


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Claudius Herwig
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fotolia.com/Christian Hillebrand
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All paintings on this website are from our office.