Report on the spring conference of Legalink on Cyprus on May 21st, 2012

In the time from May 17th to 19th, 2012 the spring conference of our international law network Legalink took place in Limassol on Cyprus.
75 delegates out of 50 countries around the globe came together in order to discuss business matters and possibilities concerning the future organization of the growing network. Under professional direction from Mr. Dimis Mikaelides a workshop took place, where the delegates, divided into 10 teams based on prior elaborated aims of the network, came up with possible solutions to enhance the marketing and the profile and presented them at the end. After the conference the program is to filter out the best solutions, to continue analyzing, to elaborate and to develop further. All participating delegates appreciate the possibility of individual integration into the conceptual development of the network’s orientation.
During the conference the currently admitted firm Cocuzza & Associati from Milan, Italy was being introduced as the Spanish firm Ventura Garces & Lopez-Ibor Abogados with offices in Madrid and Barcelona which was admitted shortly after the prior conference in Sao Paulo. Hereby the network has significantly strengthened its European basis. The committee moreover informed the delegates that concrete admission interviews are occurring with a Turkish law firm and one from Cambodia.
We assume these law firms will join the network in fall 2012. In sessions of the Practice Groups (PG) different projects were being discussed. The PG Public Procurement and Construction, directed by Dr. Jakoby and American associate Pete Lindbourg, was being elaborated on and therefore renamed into “Public Procurement, Project Finance, Real Estate and Construction”. Themes that were being discussed were the accomplished Webinar in December 2011 regarding the international contracting law in Thomson Reuters’ Legal Edcenter as well as two further book projects which are supposed to be implemented.
Moreover the Legalink network is trying to be involved in the legal consultations of a major PPP-Project in the United States. Another highlight of the conference was the guest speaker Mr. Michalis Sarris, the former finance minister of Cyprus, who played a major role in a World Bank and who is currently chairman of Cyprus’ Popular Bankist. He talked about the European crisis, possible solutions as well as consequences and impressed the delegates with his long lasting experience. The conference was excellently organized by the Cypriote law firm Ionnideou Demetriou in association with the new administrative members of the network, Maria de Sa Nogueira and Tereza Dovicova and it was a great success. The patroness of the island, Aphrodite, also contributed to the success and blessed the delegates and guests with wonderful weather and a sunburn for one or the other.
At last the network talked about the fall conference 2012 which will take place from November 1st to 3rd in Ho Chi Min City in Vietnam. Hosting law firm will be the Indochina Legal Law firm limited. We will of course report on this.