Legalink Conference in Ho-Chi-Min-Stadt (Saigon) in Vietnam

During the time from November 1st – 3rd, 2012 the second conference of our international lawyers’ network Legalink in 2012 took place in Ho-Chi-Min-City (Saigon), the economic metropolis in Vietnam. Almost 60 delegates and a great deal of guests arrived for this purpose. The conference occurred apparently in the best hotel of the area, the prestigious Park Hyatt Saigon. Jakoby Rechtsanwälte was being represented by Dr. Jakoby and Dr. Piotrowski.
The host of the conference was the internationally well-known firm IndoChina Legal with offices in Hanoi und Saigon. The firm’s partner Eric Le Dreau and Luc Metivier realized an optimally organized procedure of the conference with their team, which cannot fully be taken for granted in Vietnam.
On the occasion of the conference the second edition of the book “Investments in Commercial Real Estate” was being published due to the organization of Dr. Jakoby and presented. It gives an overview of the procedure of a real estate transaction in the certain member country. There was positive feedback on all sides. 42 firms from the network out of 39 countries contributed to the book project. If you are interested in the book you are welcome to download it here: Investments In Commercial Real Estate
The Launch of the network’s new website was being awaited with special excitement and great interest
The website was being programmed by the company Mongoose under the direction of Maria de Sa Nogueira, who is in office as Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) since March 2012 with help of her colleague Tereza Dovicova (Project Manager). The new Internet presence justifiably gained very positive reception from the delegates, please take a look yourself:
In presentations at the conference new enormous investment projects regarding the infrastructure of Vietnam were also being introduced. In 10 years one will probably not recognize the country.
Airports, harbours, highways, metro etc. will sustainably change the current appearance of the country. Europe must watch it; at least participate in a range of projects. Especially Japan and China professionally make use here of their proximity to Vietnam, in order to gain a “big piece of the cake“ of the investment in the future.
Furthermore we worked on the business plan of the network was and the different Practise Groups (PG) were in sessions.
Dr. Jakoby led the content extended PG “Public Procurement, Real Estate, Project Finance and Construction” together with his colleague Pete Lindborg from Los Angeles. New joint projects have been determined. We will keep you informed about that.
Concerning social commitment, the network supported the project “Operation Smile”, which was being introduced at the conference. Operation Smile helps children who are born with upper lip and nose grown together and therefore unfortunately defaced. Pictures of these children were impressive and yes some tears shed from the delegates. We gained the important insight that with only little money an operation can be conducted and a new perspective can be given to the children and their famies. Take a look yourself at that project “Operation smile“ on the Internet and also support an operation; the costs for an operation are amazingly cheap and you help immensely.
The culinary aspect did not go short at the Vietnam conference as always: The Vietnamese cuisine is counted among the best of the world and at about 30 degrees and high humidity in October a cool Vietnamese beer tastes incredibly well in the evening at a bar! Of course we ate with chopsticks and after our return we were looking fort he best Vietnamese restaurants in Berlin. Conclusion: Vietnam is definitely worth a journey and we will keep you informed about our network with pleasure!