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Dr. Markus Jakoby

Lawyer and notary

Fields of law:


  • German
  • English

Contact details:

Tel: +49 (0)30. 88 03 20 – 0
Fax: +49 (0)30. 88 03 20 – 10

Founder of Jakoby Law Firm Dr. Markus Jakoby was born in 1960 in Mainz. Upon completion of his studies at Albert-Ludwigs-Universität in Freiburg im Briesgau, he remained there as a research fellow at the Institute for German and Foreign Civil Law and Civil Procedure under department chair Professor Dieter Leipold. During that time, he completed his doctoral thesis and contributed to various publications and writings on civil procedure. After passing the second state examination, he began his career as a lawyer in 1990 at the international law firm Pünder, Volhard, Weber & Axster (now Clifford Chance) in Frankfurt, where he focused on real estate law for one and a half years. He then shifted into the judicial realm, working as a judge in Hannover for four years, which now provides him with an additional vantage point when overseeing civil proceedings and litigation. In addition to his position as a judge, Dr. Jakoby also worked as a lecturer in civil law at the University of Hannover for several years. In 1995 Dr. Jakoby returned to the legal profession in Berlin, where he worked for two years at Hölters & Elsing, after which he became one of the four founding partners of the law firm Velten Franz Mayer & Jakoby. This partnership was ended when Dr. Mayer and Dr. Jakoby left in 2000. Dr. Jakoby ran his own firm under the same name as his former partners in Düsseldorf – Velten Franz Jakoby – until the end of 2006. The Berlin offices have since been operating under the name Jakoby Lawyers.

Dr. Jakoby has also been working as a notary since 2001. His work is primarily focused in the legal and rapidly expanding notarial fields of real estate and corporate law, generally in the drafting and analysis of complex contracts.

BestLawyers has had Dr. Jakoby on their list of best lawyers in Germany since 2012. In its 9th edition, which was published in 2017 in conjunction with Handelsblatt, he was included in two categories: real estate law and corporate law. In 2013, Chambers Europe named Dr. Jakoby a “leading lawyer” in the field of construction. Since 2015 Dr. Jakoby is lecturer at the Freie Universität Berlin.

Dr. Jakoby is a highly sought-after speaker, especially on the subjects of real estate and procurement law. Particularly notable publications (also see above) on real estate and procurement law include the book Guidelines for Investments in Commercial Real Estate 2012, which was published under his guidance, and the recently published book Public Procurement Law – an International Overview.

Since 2000, Dr. Jakoby and his firm have been active in the international lawyers network Legalink (www.legalink.ch), which has drastically fostered their work internationally. In 2009, he was elected to Legalink’s executive committee and held the position for six years, becoming the committee chair two years ago. In May 2015, Jakoby Law Firm hosted the spring Legalink lawyers network conference in Berlin, which took place at the Hotel de Rome. Dr. Jakoby is also still one of the two heads of the practice group “Public Procurement Law, Real Estate, Project Finance and Construction” within the network.



  • “Vergaberechtliche Aspekte”, Beitrag in Wessing/Dann, Deutsch-Amerikanische Korruptionsverfahren, 2013, S. 501 ff.
  • Organisator und Mitautor des Buchs Guidelines for Investements in Commercial Real Estate, 2012
  • Mitautor im “Handbuch für Rechtsanwaltsfachangestellte”, 20. Auflage 2012
  • Organisator und Mitautor des Buchs Public Procurement Law – An International Overview, West Law 2011
  • Mitautor im “Handbuch für die Grundstückspraxis”, 2. Auflage 2005
  • Mitautor (bis 2. Auflage 2003) im ZAP-Arbeitsbuch Praxis des Familienrechts (insbesondere zu vormundschaffsrechtlichen Genehmigungserfordernissen bei Grundstücks- und gesellschaftsrechtlichen Verträgen)
  • “Zur Abgrenzung der Handschenkung vom Schenkungsversprechen im Grundstücksrecht”, in: Der Rechtspfleger 1994, 49
  • “Das Handwerkszeug für die juristische Fallbearbeitung”, in: Rechtspfleger Studienhefte 1993, 164
  • “Zulässigkeit von Anordnungen gem. § 132 Abs. 1 StPO gegen im Ausland befindliche Beschuldigte”, in: Strafverteidiger 1993, 448
  • “Das Verhältnis der Abänderungsklage gem. § 323 ZPO zur Vollstreckungsgegenklage gem. § 767 ZPO”, Duncker & Humblodt Band 100, 1991

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